Call for Papers: An international symposium around Eero Tarasti’s work in the eve of his 70th birthday

Call for Papers: An international symposium around Eero Tarasti’s work in the eve of his 70th birthday

Sources of Creativity. From Local to Universal. An international symposium around Eero Tarasti’s work in the eve of his 70th birthday. Event organized by the Academy of Cultural Heritages and the Semiotic Society of Finland, in Mikkeli, Finland, 8-10 August 2018. The symposium will be arranged at the place of genius loci of Eero Tarasti’s […]

professor Tursun Gabitov 70 years

professor Tursun Gabitov 70 years

Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті / Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби / Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Философия және саясаттану факультеті / Факультет философии и политологии / Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science Дінтану және мәдениеттану кафедрасы / Кафедра религиоведения и культурологии / Department of Religious and Cultural Studies Философия ғылымдарының докторы, профессор / Ғабитов Тұрсын Хафизұлының / 70 жылдық мерейтойына арналған «ДӘСТҮРЛІ ҚАЗАҚ МӘДЕНИЕТІ […]

congress report: Azerbaidjan should be known by its culture

congress report: Azerbaidjan should be known by its culture

by Eero Tarasti   Nizami Ganjavi International Center organized in Baku the VI Global Baku Forum “Bridging Gaps to Create Inclusive Societies” event. It gathered about one hundred former and present Heads of States and ministers from diverse countries. Greetings from the Pope , Presidents of Italy, U.K. and several prime ministers as well as […]

report: German philosophy as cultural heritage

report: German philosophy as cultural heritage

What is Historical Ontology? Report on a Symposium in the University of Heidelberg, Feb. 16-17, 2018. by Eero Tarasti   Introductory notes Some years ago the Finnish philosopher and docent at Universities of Heidelberg and Helsinki Jan-Ivar Lindén has founded a Center for historical ontology which obviously has its emphasis in Germany. The idea is […]

Semiotic Theory of Learning – new book coming in May 2018

Semiotic Theory of Learning – new book coming in May 2018

Semiotic Theory of Learning : New Perspectives in the Philosophy of Education By Andrew Stables, University of Roehampton, UK, Winfried Nöth, University of Kassel, Germany, Alin Olteanu, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, Sébastien Pesce, Université de Tours, France and Eetu Pikkarainen, University of Oulu, Finland Semiotic Theory of Learning asks what learning is and what brings it about, challenging the […]



by Solomon Marcus Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics Romanian Academy A very stimulating challenge I find very stimulating the challenge addressed to us by Professor Eero Tarasti, related to the Semiotics of Cultural Heritage.  The accent on selection involves a critical attitude towards the increasing amount of works of all kinds, which have to face […]